Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Vegetable Game

I have recently made a great discovery. Specifically, it is that of how to get kids to eat their vegetables.

It involves playing something called the Vegetable Game.

The rules of the game are as follows: you put a piece of the vegetable in front of the child, and you repeat the name of the vegetable in increasingly comical tones. If the kid laughs, they have to eat the vegetable piece. (Eating a piece of the vegetable, to prove that it's not poisonous and for your own nutrition, is optional). You continue playing until the kid has consumed their entire serving.

I was playing this last night with my little cousin, who did not want to eat her cucumbers. She had three slices in front of her, and I told her that, if I could get her to laugh by saying "cucumber", she'd have to eat a slice.

It worked. It more than worked. It worked so well, she actually enjoyed the game and ate way more than the bare minimum of three slices of cucumber. It was also tremendous fun for me (finally, my debatable skills as a comedic actor can be used) and it was effective in getting her to eat.

This of course only works if you have a kid who can actually agree to such a game, but things do work more easily when you turn them into games, and the Vegetable Game is a very fun game for both parties involved. Supervisors of children, go forth in this knowledge of a new, exciting way to get kids to eat vegetables.

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