Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17 - Accomplishments before lunchtime, laziness, and upsetting things.

You know what's a nice feeling? Getting the 1,000 words in before lunchtime. I always consider an accomplishment to be even bigger if it happens before lunchtime (such as seeing the everyday worst of humanity before lunchtime, which happened to me recently - strange day, and I don't want to summarize it here, but I had doughnuts and diet Coke for lunch afterwards and then I went to a bookstore, where I overreacted with happy fits to everything there that I liked.)

Anyhow. Yes. I got my 1,000 words in, and I decided not to really write anymore. Why? Because...I don't know, I guess I'm a lazy writer. I get something done, I don't want to work at it anymore. I get the bare minimum accomplished and I don't want to keep making it better. I actually feel bad about myself right now. If it weren't so late (it's late for me, anyway), I would actually get to work on it. Well, maybe I should get to work anyway. Just get a couple hundred words in or so.

I keep wondering how much I should tell about what I'm writing as I write it. I wonder if that spoils anything. Well, I'll give a mild spoiler. All my characters (other than the dead girlfriend) have gathered at a restaurant in the mind of one of the people and they're about to see what food tastes like in dreams. While they do so, they're going to talk about all this business with the otherselves and innerworlds, and it will get a bit serious with some of them getting rather upset. Nothing really upsetting has happened yet. And I need some upsetting things now. (Why is that demand so funny?) Well, this feels like a midway point or something (I'm only at 13,000 words now, and I'm really quite sure this will be a novella.) It's the midway point where things need to get truly upsetting, I think. Bad things will happen from here. But if I were to reveal what they were, then I'd really be giving out spoilers, wouldn't I?

I shall refrain from spoilers. Even though the words are getting all wavery in front of my eyes (not too wavery, just somewhat), I will try to write. Yes.

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