Sometime back, I submitted a poetry chapbook I wrote (entitled People, Places, Things) to a publisher called Maverick Duck Press. I was hopeful that they'd accept the book, though I knew they probably wouldn't.
They didn't.
After being unreasonably unhappy about this (where being unhappy at all is admittedly unreasonable), I determined I'd send it someplace else. Hence I spent most of this week researching different places to send it. Tonight, I found a place called Unicorn Press, which seems pretty good.
I'll submit the manuscript somewhere between tomorrow week, probably. The only reason I don't send it right away is because they take paper submissions, and it's a little inconvenient for me to print out something and send it to the post office right now. I'll do it later, when it's more convenient.
They say they send back in two to three months, which is really nice because they don't do simultaneous submissions, so as soon as they send it back and if/when it's a rejection, I can send it elsewhere as soon as possible.
There are submissions to be made. We mustn't harbor on the rejections. We must move on until we get acceptances.
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