Sunday, September 7, 2014


Yesterday, I taught a worker at Target the German word for "toothpaste".

I was there with my aunt and we were looking for toothpaste and I said something to her, just off-hand and conversationally, about how I like the German word for toothpaste. I said it aloud. It's "Zahnpaste". Said like "TSAHN-pasta". I then spelled it for him (because he asked) and then explained some things about how certain letters are pronounced in German.

His co-worker then came over, having heard what was going on, and the guy and I explained the thing to him. The guy who had initiated all this said, "I think I'm going to remember this for the rest of my life."

It's things like this that keep me going in life. Little opportunities like getting to teach the guy who works at Target the German word for "toothpaste".

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