Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Small but Amazing Goals

Ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereupon, I have a new goal on my bucket list. And unlike my other "goals" (such as going to outer space or seeing a giant tube worm in person), this one is actually realistic.

My challenge - get work accepted by publications from all six inhabited continents (and Antarctica, if they have literary magazines there).

I already have poems accepted on four continents (North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia). Getting work accepted in Africa and South America shouldn't be amazingly hard. It's difficult, but it's possible. And being able to say "I've got poems published on all six inhabited continents" - wow, that'd be amazing, wouldn't it?

There's something really nice about setting small but amazing goals for yourself, isn't there? Even if it's something that's not that big to the world at large but that's big or important to yourself. It's not THAT hard to get work published in all six inhabited continents, but man am I going to feel proud of myself when I do so. What if everyone had a small but amazing goal that they set for themselves that would make them incredibly proud and happy when they'd succeeded at them? People might be slightly happier.

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